I am Dale Hayter, a Microsoft and VMware certified Technical Consultant.

My blog has been built up over the years from my experience of working on an IT helpdesk and also from being out on-site.

SharePoint Config Database Log file Big

Most of the times its located in :


If it needs shrinking do the following :-

Backup the database using SQL Management. Connect to the instance using


as the server name.

Once backed up right click on the Database Sharepoint Config and click new query.

Execute each of the following querys in turn

BACKUP LOG [Sharepoint_Config_blahblahblah] TO DISK='D:\temp\configLogBackup.bak'
BACKUP LOG [Sharepoint_Config_blahblahblah] WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY
USE [Sharepoint_Config_blahblahblah]
DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'Sharepoint_Config_blahblahblah_log' , 50)