o2 has confirmed the UK Pricing structure for the new Apple iPhone 3GS.
– The iPhone 3GS 16Gb will cost up to £184.98 depending on which tariff you take – the 32Gb up to £274.23.
– The highest prices are on the 18month £29.38 and £34.26 tariffs – full details will be on the site soon
– You will be able to upgrade to an iPhone 3GS when you’re eligible for an upgrade
– We will be supporting MMS and tethering – these will be available on June 19th this year
– MMS messages will come out of your normal allocation, with one MMS deducting four SMS from your allowance
– To tether you need an Internet Tethering Bolt On: 3Gb for £14.68/month, 10Gb for £29.36/month. Both include The Cloud’s Wi-Fi.
– If you would like to leave your contract early you will need to pay extra – call us up and we can explain how much in each specific case

Source : http://twitter.com/o2